Saturday, March 31, 2012

Weekend post time again.


So today was an uneventful day. Tomorrow will be WrestleMania so yay. I might post that longer video tomorrow or maybe not. But as of right night I have next weeks video’s uploading and they are decent I think. I'm still trying to think up of names for my up and coming podcast. If anyone has any name ideas they'd like to submit please leave a comment and ill look them over. So I hope everyone is having a great weekend and for now that’s all I have to report.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela

Friday, March 30, 2012

025 The Return to Milk and Honey


So its another Friday. Happy weekend to everyone. I might or might not upload a video tomorrow as a treat for everyone. Um lets see what else. I just got home from work and I'm beat. With that being said we will just jump right into the movie for tonight. Enjoy everyone.

So this is a 6 part set. That will be posted over the week. This is part 5. Although it is broken into 6 parts, it was recorded in one go. In this whole set i get my solar panels set up, go to the nether, Make a alchemy stone, and a transmutation table. I hope you all enjoy it.

025 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.
--Maurice Setter

Thursday, March 29, 2012

024 The Return to Milk and Honey


So this is a 6 part set. That will be posted over the week. This is part 4. Although it is broken into 6 parts, it was recorded in one go. In this whole set i get my solar panels set up, go to the nether, Make a alchemy stone, and a transmutation table. I hope you all enjoy it.

024 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image.
--Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

023 The Return to Milk and Honey


Id like to say thank you to everyone that voted for in with the post I made yesterday. Other then that it has been a slow news day. So I hope you all enjoy tonight's video.

So this is a 6 part set. That will be posted over the week. This is part 3. Although it is broken into 6 parts, it was recorded in one go. In this whole set i get my solar panels set up, go to the nether, Make a alchemy stone, and a transmutation table. I hope you all enjoy it.

023 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
--Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

022 The Return to Milk and Honey


How is everyone today? Good I hope. It was a busy but good day at work. Made the time go so fast. So now down to business.  So I have a favor to ask of all my fans out there. Would you all be so kind to go to and please vote for my friends video. The video title is “Dream To Drive”. Now onto the movie. ^_^


So this is a 6 part set. That will be posted over the week. This is part 2. Although it is broken into 6 parts, it was recorded in one go. In this whole set i get my solar panels set up, go to the nether, Make a alchemy stone, and a transmutation table. I hope you all enjoy it.

022 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
What single ability do we all have? The ability to change.
--George Leonard Andrews

Monday, March 26, 2012

021 The Return to Milk and Honey


So this is a 6 part set. That will be posted over the week. This is part 1. Although it is broken into 6 parts, it was recorded in one go. In this whole set i get my solar panels set up, go to the nether, Make a alchemy stone, and a transmutation table. I hope you all enjoy it.

021 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
--Earl Wilson

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Sunday Sunday.


No There will not be any form of monster truck shows on the blog, so get that out of your head right now. I was just making sure you all knew it was Sunday. Now what to type today? Anyone have any ideas? Ill wait while you send them in……… Hmm this might not work the way I want it too seeing as I haven't posted this yet for you to send me said ideas. On to plan B, and that plan is to….. Um…. Oh….. Ya… Ok…. Plan B seems to have failed as well. So now we must jump ahead to plan Z and that plan is when all else fails type random stuff to make it seem like filler. I think I accomplished that pretty well. Glad I knew I could pull that one off. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Something to wet your weekend whistle


Here is just a post I saw on YouTube I thought was really funny. I hope you all enjoy it and have a wonderful weekend. I’ve made next weeks videos already and they a good to go. So you have that to look forward too. Other then that I've been playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. It has been pretty good so far. Well that does it for the weekend news.  Enjoy

*ORIGINAL* Fat Guy Destroys his Xbox!

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.
--W. Clement Stone

Friday, March 23, 2012

020 The Return to Milk and Honey


So the days was so so so SO slow. That’s a normal Friday thou I guess. Now is the time to eat some yummy dinner. It is pizza by the way.  I hope everyone has a good weekend.

In todays video I get my solar panels built. Sadly I did not get a chance to place them before the end of the video. That will come in the next installment thou along with some other goodies…. I hope. lol Enjoy the video everyone.

020 The Return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
--Benjamin Disraeli

Thursday, March 22, 2012

019 The Return to Milk and Honey


Another day another dollar. So thanks to a friend by the name of Preston, I have been playing a game called Drawsomething. It is pretty cool, think Pictionary meats words with friends and there you have it. Other news for today, I've been reading Berserk again. That is a great manga. Along with The Walking Dead comic. Also a great comic. I would recommend both of them to anyone that wants to read something cool.

Todays video, I still work with getting solar power going. That’s about it really.

019 The Return to Milk and Honey


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Everything that can be invented has been invented.
--Charles H. Duell

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

018 The Return to Milk and Honey


No news today, its just a normal Wednesday. Hope everyone is having a good week. New podcast coming soon.

Why oh why do I always run out of rubber? That is what seems to happen today in this ever normal episode of my lets play series.  I hope you all enjoy it. ^^

018 The Return to Milk and Honey


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Everything that lives, Lives not alone, nor for itself.
--William Blake

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

017 The Return to Milk and Honey


So I hate to do this everyone, but no real news post today cause I got a new game… again. This time it is Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City. It is a shooter type game, but I have high hopes for it. Other then that enjoy tonight’s video. ^_^

017 The Return to Milk and Honey


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Monday, March 19, 2012

016 The Return to Milk and Honey


So Monday is now here. That means more videos for you, the fans. Work was bleh. It was a normal day. I need to keep an eye on the time to make sure I don’t burn my dinner. So if you see me online in like 10 minutes tell me to check on my dinner, please and thank you.  Um what else to talk about today. How about them Mets? No, no, that doesn’t seem to be working. So with that being said lets go to the movies. Enjoy.

016 The Return to Milk and Honey

So in this one, I showed off what i found offline. Then i start to work on getting Energy Unlimited energy.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.
--Rodney Dangerfield

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend is over already.


So the weekend is over already. I hope everyone had a safe and fun St Patrick's day. Lots of green beer I'm sure for people. I did not partake in any for I don’t really drink. Overall thou it was a decent Holiday. Lets see what else is on the news for today. The photos I posted yesterday only one person commented on and with that it means they won the prize. Which will be sent to them in 6-66 months. Other then that news, there is nothing else to say about today. Next weeks videos are ready to go. In them you will learn some stuff about how I suck at this minecraft when it comes to remembering recipes. If it wasn’t for Wiki’s and in game recipe books id be lost sometimes. I work on getting power in my hovel of a house. That is the story for the coming week. Hope you all enjoy them as I post. For now have a wonderful Sunday.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is a permanent attitude.
--Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Photo from the past.

Well here is a photo from the past. As the topic states. Today is a slow day so far. I woke up not that long ago. Not sure what the day will hold as of yet. Soon things will be kicking… Well not really. This coming Tuesday Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City comes out. That looks like an amazing game. I already have it preordered. I'm working on my platinum in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. I believe I’m at about 56% done. Well that’s all I have for today. Enjoy the pictures from the past. If you can name some of the stuff posted, maybe you will win a prize. Leave in comments with your answers.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics.
--Robert Green Ingersoll

Friday, March 16, 2012

015 The Return To Milk And Honey


So what is up for the weekend? Nothing really. Me and my dad fixed by blinker on my car, and only broke a few pieces. Here are some picture art. And after the break you will see the video for the day. I hope you all have a great weekend. Oh by the way, if you'd watch merlin on SyFy you should check it out. it really is a great show. ^_^

2012-03-16 15.41.252012-03-16 15.41.44

Movie after the break.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

014 The Return To Milk And Honey


So yeah work was slow. blinker light went out. cant remove lamp to replace blinker. That’s all the news of the day. Now onto the video.

014 The Return To Milk And Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

013 The Return To Milk And Honey


013 The Return To Milk And Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
To create you must quiet your mind. You need a quiet mind so that ideas will have a chance of connecting.
--Eric Maisil

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

012 The Return To Milk And Honey


Ok guys and gals, I bought a new game today for the ps3. It is Naruto Shipuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.  With that being said, there will be no real post from me other then the video today. You guessed why I'm sure, cause I'm going to be playing the game. ^^ So I hope everyone has a great night.

012 The Return To Milk And Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
--Herman Melville

Monday, March 12, 2012

011 The Return To Milk And Honey


Its Monday, and that means more video’s. This week we will be working on the SSP world. Now I have done some mining off camera because it feels like that’s all I do on it. With that being said. I have some supplies not to make things and we learn about the town I find. Other then that nothing else is new in them. Oh I have brought them down to 720p form 1080p. Ok enjoy the video everyone.

011 The Return To Milk And Honey

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home.
--Bill William Henry Cosby

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend post again.


Still nothing new going on. Just made next weeks videos. They are all in 720p HD. I had to scale them down. This was done because YouTube didn’t want to upload my video’s at a normal speed for the 1080p ones. Now they upload again at a good speed. So with that I hope you all have had a good weekend. Work starts up again tomorrow and so does the video’s.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and need.
--François Marie Arouet Voltaire

Saturday, March 10, 2012

No post today.


Hey everyone, this is all for the post today because I am having issues uploading next weeks videos to YouTube. So I’m going to work on that instead of making a real post. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca

Friday, March 9, 2012

010 The return to Milk and Honey


So its Friday and that means the weekend is upon us once again. So I hope everyone has a good safe weekend. Enjoy the time off and watch some of my video’s. :) Well that about sums up everything from me so here is the info on the video and then the video itself. Enjoy.

Episode 10 of my SSP lets play video's. You will see i have picked a name for the show called. The Return to Milk and Honey. Hopefully you all enjoy the video. Also my video's might be a little longer this week running in at about 15min.

010 The return to Milk and Honey

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
--Josh Billings

Thursday, March 8, 2012

027 Lets play my private server


So the um nothing really new today. Only thing I can think of is that its almost Friday. This video is the last one of the SMP videos for a little while. Starting tomorrow ill be posting some of my SSP videos. Also they are about 15 min long now. I don’t know how long that will be thou. I just turned the TV on and walking hard the dewy cox story is on. I think I'm going to go and watch that now and maybe eat some dinner. I hope everyone has a great day. Enjoy the video.

027 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

026 Lets play my private server


No news today. It has been an uneventful Wednesday.  On that note we will get right to the video stuff.

So in todays episode there is lava, lava, and some more lava. I hope you all enjoy it. Soon the SSP show till start up again.

026 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
I detest the man who hides on thing in the depths of his heart and speaks forth another.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

025 Lets play my private server


So how is everyone today? I hope you are all good. Some news of the day. I gave away a ps2 to one lucky fan. Ok well not really. It would seem I had a friends ps2 hanging around my place. He called asking of it back so I said sure. This is when the adventure began, I hunted down the ps2 and found it the disk drive didn’t work. So then I had to hunt for my ps2 and that one did work. The drive at least, but It was missing screws. So I had to embark on a screw search. To my surprise I found them and they still fit. Now its all back together and sounds like a lawn mower. All in all thou it works and I gave it to him. I really loved the ps2 but now I have the PS3 so its all gravy.

Enjoy the video its part 25 of the quest to not die stupidly which I fail at every turn it seems.

025 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg

Monday, March 5, 2012

024 Lets play my private server


Ok so this is video 24 in the server set of my lets play. I hope you all enjoy it. Also I started recording more of the SSP set. After I finish posting this weeks worth of server sets ill start to post the SSP set.  I hope everyone has a great day.  Happy Monday all.

024 Lets play my private server


Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some stuff about my Minecraft video’s


Todays post is about my minecraft video’s. If you are wondering mod's I'm using in the video’s I will be adding a link to the site for you. The Technic Pack is what I am using. They have a few forms for it. I use both the single player and multiplayer for my video’s. The single player has different mods installed from the multiplayer. I use them in respect to the video’s I'm recording. Hence if I'm doing my single player set then I'm using the single player mods and so on. They are really a good set of mods to play with too. They have everything from more creatures to computers. With all the choices you have you are able to really increase the replay of your minecraft world. As you see all this in my video’s it slowly changes the way you play the game and the stuff you can do. I really do enjoy The Technic Pack, and I hope everyone that plays minecraft finds the time to give it a try. If anyone has any questions about it please feel free to head over to there forums or ask me and ill help if I'm able to.

The Technic Pack

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If you haven't got charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.
--Bob Hope

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The weekend post.


So today is the weekend post. The stuff that has been happening today is…. Nothing. Well I have made some changes to the blog. I put new fonts in and added my PS3 card. So if you have a Ps3 feel free to drop me a msg on there. Other then that I don’t really have anything to report. I would like some feedback on the new fonts and stuff for the Blog. So if you don’t like it or if its hard to read let me know and ill change them around more.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb

Friday, March 2, 2012

023 Lets play my private server


There is  no news today. So happy Friday to everyone. Hope you have a great weekend. ^_^ Enjoy the video

023 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The cynic is his own worst enemy. It requires far less skill to run a wrecking company than it does to be an architect.
--U.S. Andersen

Thursday, March 1, 2012

022 Lets play my private server


So the news you need to know is not from me. The true person of the news today is from….. Ok me. now that news is that people are idiots  on the road. You already know this thou I'm sure. With that being said I wont bore you with the details of there bad driving, just reread some of the other bad driving post and you will get the idea. Off topic amber just said something that was funny. So here is the quote “He’s nice to him, but he's just not aloud in the house.” If you don’t laugh a little after reading that maybe you should get your eyes check.

The movie is still me working in the nether. So ill keep up the hard work. Also YouTube is still going so slow on the upload the one of my videos wont get uploaded like I want. This might throw a damper into the show.


022 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
No mind is thoroughly well-organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge