Well here is a photo from the past. As the topic states. Today is a slow day so far. I woke up not that long ago. Not sure what the day will hold as of yet. Soon things will be kicking… Well not really. This coming Tuesday Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City comes out. That looks like an amazing game. I already have it preordered. I'm working on my platinum in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. I believe I’m at about 56% done. Well that’s all I have for today. Enjoy the pictures from the past. If you can name some of the stuff posted, maybe you will win a prize. Leave in comments with your answers.
Salithox signing off.
Quote of the Day:
Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
Mike! And Harley! <3