Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Missed some post.


Hey everyone. I’m sorry that I have missed a few posts this last week. I am not dead or anything. I have family in town right now so that and work kind of got in the way. I hope everyone is doing good. I don’t really have any new news to say, so I just wanted to update ya on my whereabouts. Ok that’s all for today, sorry for the short post again.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hey everyone.


How is everyone doing today? I hope you are all doing good. I'm doing ok thank you for asking. I saw Man of Steel today. It was a great movie. I will be buying it on Blu-ray when it comes out for sure. Other then that it was a normal day. Now I have some stuff I need to take care of. I have some stuff in the works thou that I don’t want to talk about just yet. This is all ill be saying about it. I think you the fans will enjoy what is to come.

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Done and Done.


So I have pre ordered my PS4, PsEyes, 3 Games, (COD:Ghost, Watchdogs, Assassins creed 4.) I already paid off the PS4 and the PsEyes. Last night at midnight I bought The Last of Us. This is an amazing game, I think ill be playing it for a long time.

Sorry I didn’t post on Wednesday. I just couldn’t get to it with work and everything. Here is todays post. A little lack luster I know but it is what it is. I just want to point out that.

Ok I got nothing to say right now, I have games to play. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Salithox signing off.

PS. I have a few friends out that that are amazing and I just wanted to say THANK YOU to them, I believe they know who they are already without having to be named.

Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sundays recap.


So yeah, the week sucked. I’m Not going to talk about it. SO yeah see you next post on Wednesday.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Weekend is almost over for me.


I’m very tired. That’s all I really have thou to see. Um some stuff going on I guess. There has been an issue with my Mine Craft Server. I burked it if you will. So sadly everything that was shown off is lost. And will need to be redone or just changed all together. I have no decided yet. Time will tell on that front. Um, work is work. Life is life. Snap chat is surprisingly addictive. If you’re a friend or foe and want to snap chat let me know.

Other news, my first car payment is coming up soon. That should both suck and be cool. First one is always the hardest people say. But I’m ready for it. Bring it on ill take you down anytime anywhere any day.  Ok, moving along now.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Just an …. kind a day, you know?


So ya, its just been that kind day. You know what I mean? I hope you do. Ok so I got nothing to report right now. Going for pizza tomorrow which will be nice. I’ve been playing some steam games today. Other then that is been a bleh day as the topic would so suggest. Ok I think I'm done talking for now. Someone should entertain me on Facebook. yep ok peace I'm out.

salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg

Friday, May 31, 2013

Today is……. F.R.I.D.A.Y.


F = Finally over.

R = Right in the knick of time.

I = In-between the masses.

D = Don’t over think things.

A = Apples are yummy

Y = Yep I did a poem-ish things.

So now that we are done with that. I had a decent day. I hope everyone else has too. It was good talking to old friends and with other friends. I’m happy to report the car is doing good. I had to repair the other car thou which kinda sucked. Other then that all is going ok I guess. This about does it for me tonight. Later everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
That's right. 'Tain't yours, and 'tain't mine.
--Mark Twain
(when friend said that a certain rich man's money was "tainted")

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday’s recap.


There really isn't to much to say for this weeks review. The only big news is I bought a new car. This was mentioned the other day as well. So ya, go me. Um nothing else to really report in on. Talk to you all later, have a wonderful safe holiday.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry

Friday, May 24, 2013

New Car.


So everyone I bought a new car. That’s why there was no update on Wednesday. That was when it all went down. I got a Ford Fusion Hybrid 2013. I may post pictures on here. Thou I know everyone has already seen them. Ok that’s really it for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I’m going to make some breakfast.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Progress depends on people knowing they'll be able to profit from their ideas.
--Deborah Neville

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday recap.


So I really don’t have much to say today. Kind of stressed out some. But that happens when shopping for a new car on a moments notice. So the recap for the week.

Wednesday something

Friday missed

Saturday youtube video.

Sunday Recap.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them for five years.
--Samuel Goldwyn

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Season 3 Episode 1 of the LPV.


Well everyone below you will see the 1st episode of Season 3 of my Lets Play set.  I hope you all enjoy it, It is only 11 min long today, but it does take you on a brief tour of my base and the surrounding areas.

Salithox Signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What a day.


It has been on hell of a week. I wont go into it but it was one hell of a week and I spent money cause of it. I'm not going to be posting anything of importance today.

This weeks post for the MCLPV might be put on hold for one more week, just do to the week I had. well that’s all today.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday ReCap.


I forgot to make a list of the weeks events, so instead you get this. Next week the return of my Let’s play / lets build MC videos will return.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine

Friday, May 10, 2013

No Title for Today’s Post.


So I really don’t have anything to report today. I  have been playing a lot of minecraft again. I will have to find the time to start up my Lets Play videos again. Also I joined a MC server at the behest of a friend. (Have yet to play on said server.) Other then that my weekend is almost over and I go back to work Sunday. I have been watching Breaking Bad. It is a great show and I recommend it to everyone. What else is going on….. That is about it really for me. So catch ya all later.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
--Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Another day Another fun time.


So I had a good day. Its getting let and I thought I should be doing this blog. So ya here it is.  Um, had pizza great great great pizza. I got to hang out with 2 good friends. Then met the girlfriend at work for her lunch. Then came home and had issues with my phone. Now I got that kind of working thou still not sure what the hell happened to it. But whatever. Ok so now I’m done writing this. So Night everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
WAIT! Nature calls!
(in the middle of a ping-pong game)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Recap.


Monday – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday – So here is the skinny yo.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday – No post

Links included in post –

Friday – I typed things up.

Links included in post –

Saturday – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Game Dev Tycoon


This is a really good game. Lol You should all check it out. I know I enjoy it you might too. I should provide a link for it, but you know that involves more work then I really want to do right now.

Ok so really, How was everyone’s Friday? Mine was ok I guess. I saw Iron Man 3 already it was decent but could have been better. I've been watching Breaking Bad. This is a good show as well. Um what else to say? I got my PlayStation credit card. 

Ok that is all everyone. Catch you on the flip side.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
--Benjamin Disraeli

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tired. leave me alone.


/echo off


? “Tired beyond all hell”

loop 3

sleep 3

goto :msg

?”Ha its so wrong.”


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Recap.


Monday – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday – So here is the skinny yo.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday – No post

Links included in post –

Friday – Story time with Salithox.

Links included in post –

Saturday – Story time part 2.

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Story time with Salithox part 2.


Today we continue the story.

Dusty and her stomach ache with the pain for 1 living person. This means that she must find food. The food that is needs is the food of the stars. This wont be easy to come by on this planet. She searches high and low but does not find any of what she needs. While walking and looking she sees this thing in a window. A  box with a moving picture. There it showed a rock falling to the planet. This was her she thought to herself.  Low and behold it was just a rock, but this rock had what she needed to live.

Now she goes to where the rock was said to have fallen. Miles and days of walking she finally makes it. There she sees loads of people in suits. They stop her form getting to close to the rock. This is when she started to feel faint and turned back into her dust form. Poof to the ground she went. Rolling past everything and right up to the rock. There she enjoyed the energy of the rock. Feeding off of it till she was strong enough to take flight.

Now fully charge and ready to go, she flew up into the air and back to wince she came. As she flew up and out of the strange little planets gravity field she had a tingling feeling in her phantom stomach. This was odd do to the face she dropped that form to get off the planet. This followed her for many days as she drifted from galaxy to galaxy.  All the drifting and she still could not shack this feeling. As she was about to give up hope on every being the way she was before, she saw something in the distance.

This thing she saw was the planet that took her in so to say. She has no idea how so found her way back to it. But it was at this point she new that it wasn’t the gravity that pulled her to it the first time. It was the feeling that she was needed there.

The end …… For now.

More to come maybe.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
No mind is thoroughly well-organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Friday, April 26, 2013

Story time with Salithox.


Gather round everyone its time for Salithox to tell you a story  of wonder and amazement. Filled with grammatical errors and other form of writing flaws. Well lets get this story started shall we?

It all starts up in the stars. There was this one little speck of dust. She called herself Dusty (no relation to any strippers you may know.) and she was nothing more then dust in the proverbially wind. Then one day this speck of dust got stuck in a gravity field. This field was so strong the Dusty could not escape the pull. It was so strong she only had one choice left to her. Fall to the planet below and take the form of something below.  Dusty fell faster and faster with her powers that have yet to be explain she was able to no burn up from the fall. She crash’s into the ground with little more then a thump. Now she is nothing more then a piece of dust on the strange ground not knowing what to do from here. She looks around and see’s this from and decides to take its shape. This is now where things get really interesting you will see.

Opening eyes for the first time, not knowing what to see. This bright blue sky filled with what use to be me. As I lay here I realize I have 2 long legs, 2 arms, and from what I can tell auburn shoulder length hair. I stand up and realize that something is missing form this form that the other had. Clothes. I grab some stuff from the ground and cover my new body the same way I saw the other with patches of leaves and grass. Grumbles come from the lower part of my body. This part would be known to us humans as the stomach.

That is all for tonight everyone story will be continue tomorrow. I say this because I'm tired as all hell.  Plus I want to watch some breaking bad.

Night everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Commerce is the great civilizer. We exchange ideas when we exchange fabrics.
--Robert Green Ingersoll

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

So here is the skinny yo!


Ok so the low down on the skinny is that I forgot to change the dates on the Sunday recap. And I think it might have been a few weeks since I last did update the dates. So that is my bad. Thou this does happen from time to time. To fix this problem I'm just taking out the dates. From this moment on dates no longer exist on the Sunday Recap.

Next order of business is to say that tomorrow will be weekly pizza day. So make sure you eat your pizza. If you don’t the monster will come for you’re eyes. You know which monster I mean. I don’t even need to name the monster for that is how powerful of a fear you will have of it.

Now I'm just going on about monsters and pizza and dates, you might be asking yourself “Salithox why are you so nuts?” well that my friends comes form decades of being a gamer and nerd and all around basket case. So yep. ok then.

PS still waiting on takers to help with a theme song. lol

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday recap.

Monday 03/25/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 03/26/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 03/27/13 – Yep this just happened.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday 03/28/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 03/29/13 – Working on a new theme.

Links included in post –

Saturday 03/30/13 – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research.
--Wilson Mizner

Saturday, April 20, 2013

No post today.


Well everyone I just wanted to inform you that there is no post today. I have a wedding to go to so I wont be able to make a real post. Even if you count this as a real one I don’t. So have a wonderful weekend and see you all back here tomorrow for the weekly recap.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.
--John Dryden

Friday, April 19, 2013

Working on a new theme.


Well how is everyone on this fine Friday? I'm doing ok myself. I just finished helping my dad babysit my nephew. That is always a great time if I do say so myself. Other new I'm thinking of apply for a PlayStation Credit Card. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and with the amount of money I spend on the PSN store I could rack up points like no other (its 10x points for PSN) last month alone I spent 74 bucks on there. So I might have to do that. Other then that I'm working on a new theme song for my podcast. If anyone of my gifted music friends (Node friends I'm looking at you)  want to help out with that, id great appreciate it. I currently have nothing other then an idea. If you know me at all you know I'm not a music type so help please. ;) Well I guess that about does it for todays post. Hit me up with ideas or comments or help or anything good bad doesn’t matter.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The person who is not hungry says that the coconut has a hard shell.
--African Tribal Saying

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yep that happened.


So I got Injustice gods among us for the ps3. Played against my friend. Lost 22 times only won 2 times. Yep that really happened. Man I suck at fighters. But don’t let that fool you, I will knock your block off now and then at random (hence the 2 wins). Ok that’s all form me. later all.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Recap.

Monday 03/25/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 03/26/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 03/27/13 – This post took place on Thursday.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday 03/28/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 03/29/13 – This post happened in the future.

Links included in post –

Saturday 03/30/13 – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday, April 13, 2013

This is a post form the past, posted in the future.


Ok so what is the skinny with no podcasts? Well the thing is I'm just taking a break from it for a little bit. This is to collect my thoughts and try to improve it for everyone evolved. This is also meant to be Fridays post as I forgot to post it. So here it is, the post in all its glory. Well not so much glory as just words that I’m typing to fill the time space and or blogosphere requirements.

Oh in other news killed a Bee in the bathroom of all places today. Don’t ask, I don’t know how it got in there.

Yep ok that about does it for today. WATCH Doctor WHO tonight, and the NERDIST.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
--Francis Roberts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

This post took place on Thursday.


So I was unable to post last night on Wednesday. This was due to the fact I was out a good chunk of the day and when I was home I was busy setting up my Google TV standalone Top BOX.  Tis pretty cool I must say. I need to play with it more but I do like it. Um I bought some new steam games which ill be doing live streams on at some point. As well as bring back the podcast soon. Maybe not this week, but soon It will be back. I hope everyone I shaving a wonderful day. Ill talk to you all later.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.
--John Dryden

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday Recap of the week.


Monday 03/25/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 03/26/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 03/27/13 – Uncle Bears night.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday 03/28/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 03/29/13 – Work out? Maybe? Time will tell.

Links included in post –

Saturday 03/30/13 – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain

Friday, April 5, 2013

Work out? Maybe? Time will tell.


So I did a work out today. It felt good. I also started counting calories, this is something I think ill be stopping. Not sure if that is my thing. Ill just do what I want, and work out 3 times a week for at least 30 min to an hour.  Add in the work out from work and I think that will help me drop some weight. I will try to eat less and more healthy. I did buy some protein shakes to help with breakfast. Time will also tell how that works out. Well now that I got that out of the way I think ill do something productive, maybe some minecraft.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Always a good night at Uncle Bears.


So I have a great time tonight with my friends at Uncle Bears bar and gill. Had a few drinks some good food and good convo’s. Sorry for the late post into the night but now you know why. I hope everyone is having a great night. I’m about to crash got a early day tomorrow. Well later everyone. Picture to follow…. Maybe.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Recap.

Monday 03/25/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 03/26/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 03/27/13 – Am I the only one not hung over?

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday 03/28/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 03/29/13 – Entertain me. !

Links included in post –

Saturday 03/30/13 – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw

Friday, March 29, 2013

Entertain me. !


I’m bored, you should entertain me now please. Someone???? please????? anyone hello out there, why aren’t you answering me. I know your there I can see you, wait what are you doing with that? No don’t do that… Stop… what, who, huh? ok then. Now that we got the formality's out of the way. Who will keep me entertain for a  bit any takers?

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
--Robert Fulghum

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Am I the only one not hung over?


So yesterday was Friday for me and my shift coworkers. What did that mean you might ask. It meant we went out drinking. I would like to no hangover for me, thou I cant say the same for some of the other party goers. It was an over all good night thou, I might post some pictures I might not. Only time will well. Well I hope everyone is having a good week so far. I know I am. I picked up a new game, you might have heard of it called BioShock Infinite. I am about to play it right now this moment. SO here goes. Later everyone.

Salithox signing and not singing off.

Quote of the Day:
Opinions are like armpits: Everybody has two of them and they stink most of the time.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday recap

No recap I'm to tired to really copy and paste it in here. So instead this is what you get. Yo Ho yo ho a pirates life for me.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
WARNING: Repeated brain usage may be harmful to others.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ok so its Friday.


I’m and writing this to you so I can be down with it for the day. This way I can focus on more important thing like eating, playing video games, watching web videos, and all around goofing off. If you don’t like this response you should comment on the blog, node, Facebook, Google+. In doing this post in this way, I hope to spark your creative comments and make the power of the blog increases 20 folds. For the record anyone internally mono logging this to themselves, I have been told I'm sounding bite like Dracula  while typing this.That comes right from the mouth of Mrs. Dracula.

Now that I have you completely confused you must know theses things. One there may, or may not be a podcast tomorrow. I plan to beat God of War Accession today, and start my new game Hyper Dimension Neptuna. These thing my cut into the podcast time seeing as it is my short weekend off. Well I hope this random post entertained you a lot today. If it didn’t you know what to do, Shake fists, get mad, get over it, and read the post again.

PS, Hope you are feeling better soon Bianca.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yep not much to say.


Hey everyone. Its getting kind a late and I'm only not getting to make my post. I wanted to say that I don’t have much of anything to talk about tonight. Or I should say nothing I’m going to talk about. I got a new game haven't played it yet. Got hired on at work. Still dealing with the drama there. ok that’s all form me tonight.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.
--Jane Wagner

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday recap.


So I guess I didn’t update my blog sheet this last week, so I have no idea what my weekly recap is. Lol sorry about that here is a cookie to sooth the nerves.

Sorry there was no podcast last night, I got held up with other things and it got away from me. By the time I noticed it was to late for me to do one thanks to needing sleep for work.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
WAIT! Nature calls!
(in the middle of a ping-pong game)

Friday, March 15, 2013



So I just got done babysitting my nephew. I had a wonderful time with him. He is such a good baby. Hardly cries or fusses… well for me at least.  So now that I’m done with that my day is pretty much open I think. Maybe ill play some games. But fist breakfast time.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
--Mother Teresa

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yep, today is a day that it is.


Yep so today is a day, I really don’t have much to say yet as I just woke up and I'm feeling much better then I did yesterday. With that being said I'm going to go play some GoW A. ok later everyone.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday recap.

Monday 03/04/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 03/05/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 03/06/13 – What a day is all I have to say.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (03/01/13)

Thursday 03/07/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 03/08/13 – Yep that sucks for me.

Links included in post –

Saturday 03/09/13 – Episode 47 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 47 The Untitled Show

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ok that sucks. For me at least.


Well I'm working Saturday this week. Cause I'm a good worker. I ask for a day off the following week and I get shot down. So ya that sucks. Well whatever.  I understand they think they will be busy and that’s fine, but if that’s the cast they need to get rid of my coworker that does nothing to help us. Anyway what I'm getting at is there will be no podcast tomorrow due to me working. I'm sorry. And now I'm little annoy with this so I'm going to end the blog for the day.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.
--Dr. E. Land

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What a day is all I have to say.


So I had a very long and tiring day. I really don’t feel like posting, but I still am. So lets make this fast. I got the new Naruto game for the ps3 as well as the new Tomb Raider game. I do plan to buy the very crappy version of SimCity they release as well just don’t know when yet. I have plans tomorrow to pick up a good friend and her mum from the airport, then dinner/lunch. After that maybe gameworks for drinks and games. But for now I say farewell Naruto awaits me.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.
--Dr. Laurence J. Peter

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Episode 47 The Untitled Show


So there is nothing really new to say, I did slam my finger into my dresser draw when closing it and not paying attention. Its been a few hours and still sings. Other then that nothing new is going on. Listen to the podcast, like it on ITunes, Subscribe to it, rate it, comment on it, etc., etc., etc. Ok that about does it for todays lack luster post.

Podcast – Episode 47 The Untitled Show – Nothing new move along people.

Salithox signing off.


      If you missed any of the live stream last night you can watch it over on my YouTube channel above, or from this link.

Salithox YouTube channel.

Quote of the Day:
No one can be free who does not work for the freedom of others.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Live stream maybe.


So I was not able to do the live stream today that I wanted to. I have plans later tonight that will stop me from still doing it. So that means there wont be one today. Thou I might do one of a different game just to pass the time. Its one I can start and stop. So we will see. Keep and eye on the twitter feed for the game if I do it.

Salithox live stream

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.
--Richard Armour

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yep another drug test.


So I had another drug test today. I say another cause it seems like every few months I'm taking one. lol Be it at different jobs but still its annoying.

Other then that just rested and caught up on some things. Tomorrow should be a good day. Hopefully going to lunch and then game works with friends and the Amber.  I need to let people know what's going on thou. Ok back to what I'm doing, enjoy the rest of your day everyone.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Encouragement is like a premium gasoline - it helps to take knocks out of living.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Recap.

Monday 02/18/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 02/19/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 02/20/13 – Long day so no real news in the post.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/23/13)

Thursday 02/21/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 02/22/13 – Was not able to do a live stream like planned.

Links included in post –

Saturday 02/23/13 – Episode 46 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 46 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
--Franklin D. Roosevelt

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Episode 46 The Untitled Show


Hey everyone today is the day that will be the day of the day when you days go from day to day to night to day to the noon of days.

Ok so yea sorry about that… Well not really I hope you can read that I know I can. So the podcast is live for everyone to hear with the normal link below or with your favorite RSS feed catcher programs. I hope you all enjoy it. It’s a short one but goes over something you should all be careful of.

Podcast – Episode 46 The Untitled Show – Today we talk about how easy it is to spend 70 bucks on instant videos by mistake.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela

Friday, February 22, 2013

So you think you got what it takes to be a monkey?


Ok so you think you have what it takes? Well I don’t even have what it takes. So why would you think you do? This is just fast post for the day hence the random topic. Also if anyone of my fans knows how to set up a personal vent server please let me know. For whatever reason only I can connect to it and no one else. Its really odd.

Ok next order of business Sorry I was not able to do a stream today of the FTB insanity map with my good friend Heather. Hopefully we will be able to work out a time to do it.

Next thing. PS4 I still have not seen the event that is on my to-do list maybe tonight when I'm done with everything else.

Well that about does it for me today. I hope everyone has a great weekend, Podcast should be a go tomorrow.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure.
--Thomas Edison

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

No post sorry.


I just got home from a fun  night out with friends. so I'm not going to post anything sorry.

Night all.

Salithox signing off.

PS I know I posted this post saying I wont post this post. so yeah you figure it out.

Quote of the Day:
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
--“Mahatma” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Its that time again, Sunday Recap of the Sundays!


So how's everyone doing? I'm doing good, this is just your normal Sunday recap so please enjoy.

Monday 02/11/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 02/12/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 02/13/13 – Wednesday. Yep that’s today.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/23/13)

Thursday 02/14/13 – No post

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Friday 02/15/13 – StarDate 02.15.2013.00125487966254.1

Links included in post –

Saturday 02/16/13 – Episode 45 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 45 The Untitled Show

Salithox Signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
--Mother Teresa

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Episode 45 The Untitled Show


Hey everyone how's it going? I’m doing good but as you will find all that out form the podcast I wont say anymore. Ok id love to stay and type more stuff for you but today is just a short podcast and a short blog post. I have food in the oven and I need to check/get it before it burns to a crisp. Ok enjoy the podcast.

Podcast – Episode 45 The Untitled Show – Today I say happy valentines day to all, and that’s bout it really.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb

Friday, February 15, 2013

StarDate 02.15.2013.00125487966254.1


The date of the stars. Well the stars in the sky, not the ones in the movies. Thou part of the title was taken from the stars in the movies and not the sky’s. Ok now that we got that out of the way, lets move onto more pressing matters. That being I hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day. Mine was ok, spent it taking care of the sick girlfriend. But I gave her some nice gifts and she was happy. She is also feeling better little by little each day. So that’s a good thing too. Tomorrow will hold a normally podcast for you all to enjoy, for as what the topic of it will be I don’t know. Ok well I’m done with the blog for the day, its to dang early to be up at this time on a day off. I should be sleeping still but the shower nob broke and is not fixed again. The girlfriend is going to work and might be coming home sick still. So yep, ok ya done for now. Later everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday. Yep that’s today.


So I had another good night out with friends last night. I didn’t drink anything (Sorry Mario) but it was still fun. I was sad that Amber is very sick and was not able to join us. Next time hopefully. Then there is this Friday where ill be going to a good lunch with good people and then maybe a birthday party for said lunch friend.  Other then that the week is over for me. I did just get some good news thou. My Good friend is coming back to AZ in March so ill get to see her again. Its about time too. ^_^;  Well that’s about everything form me today, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The easiest person to deceive is one’s own self.
--Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Recap.


Monday 02/04/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 02/05/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 02/06/13 – One Drink, Two Drink, Red Drink, Blue Drink! AGAIN!

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/23/13)

Thursday 02/07/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 02/08/13 – Just woke up a bit ago, now writing this.

Links included in post –

Saturday 02/09/13 – Episode 44 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 44 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
For greed, all nature is too little.
--Seneca, Roman statesman and author

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Episode 44 The Untitled Show


Hey everyone, how are you all doing today? I hope everyone is good. I know I'm doing pretty good myself. I have just finished recording the new podcast for everyone to enjoy. Its not that long but its pretty good I think. In other news you will need to listen to the podcast to find out. Ha, sorry I thought that was funny a little bit. Ok but really, the podcast is up for you all to enjoy. Now I got some stuff I need to do and a sick girlfriend to take care of. Ok later everyone.

Podcast – Episode 44 The Untitled Show - In this episode I talk about the 3ds Fire Emblem bundle I bought. Go over a little minecraft, as well as talk about booze and the sick getting better quick.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
--Josh Billings

Friday, February 8, 2013

Just woke up a bit ago, now writing this.


Ok so I just woke up and now I’m writing this. So what is the point of this that I’m writing? Well you see the if I do this before I do anything else today I have nothing to write about. Thou that might seem odd the fact is I can then say tomorrow all the things I did today. You follow me so far? Good ok, so my plans today are to go to Gotham City Comics, buy my 3DS Fire Emblem bundle, and maybe some games with it. While at the comic shop I get to hang out with my buddy again so that will be fun. Other then that its catch up on shows and relax day. Ok I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day and you will hear about all the updates and stuff tomorrow.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently.
--Saint Augustine of Hippo

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Drink, Two Drink, Red Drink, Blue Drink! AGAIN!


So yes once again on the my Friday, I went out drinking with some good people. Now for Mario’s sake I'm going to talk fast about the drinks I had. First I had an Artic Breeze. It was good look it up and add pineapple to it, to make it epic. Then thanks to my buddy Andrew I took a shot of Whiskey. There you go everyone that is the drink line up for the day from me your local host.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Recap as always.

Monday 01/28/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 01/29/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 01/30/13 – One Drink, Two Drink, Red Drink, Blue Drink!

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/23/13)

Thursday 01/31/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 02/01/13 – Plans finally set.

Links included in post –

Saturday 02/02/13 – Episode 43 The untitled show

Links included in post – Episode 43 The Untitled Show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Episode 43 The Untitled Show


Today is the day of day that will start with the day and end with the day of the days to day of no day today. Ok so my family is leaving today and I have to go back to work tomorrow which sucks on both accounts. I got some video games to play and movies to watch and shows to catch up on also, so I think I'm going to spend my last day off doing that. I might also eat the left over chicken nuggets.

On that note you can listen to episode 43 of the podcast today. Its up and live for all your ear holes to enjoy. So I hope you do this one clocks in at around 6 min.

Podcast- Episode 43 The Untitled Show - Go over the games I bought and beat. Also talk about Sony's upcoming announcement. Then there's thoughts of a new Mic still.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Virtue has never been as respectable as money.
--Mark Twain, 19th-century American humorist, author and journalist

Friday, February 1, 2013

Plans finally set.


Hey everyone, I wanted to start by saying happy Friday. Mine is going swimmingly so far. I have plans set for next week already so that makes me happy. I’m going to get to see and old friend I haven't seen in a few years. Which when you think about it, it is kind a sad. We only live a few miles apart yet its been forever since we got to hang out. Oh well that will be changed in a future I hope. Other order of business I saw Warm Body’s last night. It wasn’t bad but wasn’t great either. It is a romantic comedy with zombies more or less. There are its funny moments and its small action moment, but over all its just a romantic movie I guess you could say. In more other news, my family leaves some time tomorrow. That sucks the week went by way to fast I think. That and working half of it makes it feel like that too.  Ok that’s all form me today, Back to the video games. oh FYI I beat DMC.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
--William James

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One Drink, Two Drinks.


Red Drink, Blue Drink. No I’m not drunk or hung over or anything like that. I did have one drink last night which was nice cause I spent it with great friend. These are the people that make work bearable I must say.  Work is slowly turning into a war zone on an epic scale. I try my best to stay out of it even thou I have my own battles raging on there. Its hard to be out of the fire when your one of the targets in someone's cross hairs. I like to think my work speaks for it self and I’m pretty safe. Maybe someday they will even hire me, even thou I know that’s not a good thing. Oh well enough of that crap. So ya last night was good and today should be good too, I get to spend it with family.

There might be a stream tonight I don’t know for certain yet cause like I said I have family in town. So we will see. Time will tell. Etc.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
--Herman Melville

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Episode 42 The untitled show


So everyone today is the day that I have to do my podcast. So below is said podcast. In other news, like I said the day before I have family in from New York, so ill be slowing down on the stuff with the blog for the week. Ill so do my best to get stuff posted and what not, but over all ill be taking a week break to spend it with them. Ok that’s all from me today, I hope you enjoy the very short podcast of the week, Episode 42.

Podcast- Episode 42 The Untitled Show - In this one we go over nothing to important, but I do have family in from out of town. Also Talk about Ni No Kuni.


Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Family coming to visit today.


I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do a live stream for a bit. Things have been slow but busy if that makes sense. There will be a new podcast tomorrow as always. I do hope everyone enjoy last weeks podcast as well. So yeah I hope everyone is having a great week so far. Mine has been pretty decent I guess. In other news I have family coming into town today to visit for a week. So if I don’t post BIG post you know why. I will still try my best to do my normal days as well as the podcast for next week. I wont no when or how much time ill have thou so this is the heads up to everyone. Ok well I got cleaning and stuff to still finish before there flight comes in. So later all.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Everything that can be invented has been invented.
--Charles H. Duell

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Friday but now broke.


So I’m home from work now, and its already 9pm. I stopped at GameStop to get a game. I got said game, then pre-ordered like 200 bucks worth of games and a console. So there goes my paycheck for the week. Oh well, at least I get to see my amazing godson tomorrow and help babysit him. Ok everyone I’m beat and therefore done for the night. Talk to everyone soon.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sundays recap of the week.


So I have some stuff to do today. Like my godson’s christening / baptism. So I’m going to be gone most of the day. On that note here is the recap of the week for you all.

Monday 01/14/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 01/15/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 01/16/13 – Another day another dollar.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/16/13)

Thursday 01/17/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 01/18/13 – I'm looking forward to the release of my podcast tomorrow.

Links included in post –

Saturday 01/19/13 – Episode 41 The untitled show: Salithox top five

Links included in post – Episode 41 The untitled show : Salithox top five

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The enraged colonists were mad.
--CJ's US History Work

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Episode 41 The untitled show : Salithox top five


So today we have a special show for you all to hear. It’s Salithox top five. This is still episode 41 of the untitled show but its just a special one were we do something different. I do hope you all enjoy it, if the feedback is good we will do more of them down the road. So the link is down below please let me know what you think.

Podcast- Episode 41 the untitled show: Salithox top five - Me and my buddy get together to talk about are top five movies from the 1990’s to current day. Its harder then it sounds to make a list of only 5.

Ok that about does it for today, I hope you all have  a great rest of the weekend, I have some stuff to do tomorrow so the post might be way later in the day if I cant get to it before I start the stuff I have to do.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields

Friday, January 18, 2013

Looking forward to tomorrows release.


So I’m excited for the release of my podcast tomorrow to you all. There is a slight change in it. You could say it’s a special episode, and I hope you all enjoy it. I had fun making this one and I look forward to doing more of them. In other news I might be guessing a new mic just for my podcasting and live streaming etc. If I do it will be a yeti blue mic. I have been having issues recording people and myself with my current headset/mic combo, and what I found out was its because it is a combo that causes the problem. So a standalone mic should fix it. More to come on that when I break down and buy it, I'm still in that I want it but do I really need it phase.

In more news I got woken up to let the guy in to drain the pool. He showed up 2 hours early. So I was the only one home to help with it. That’s all taken care of now and ill have to check on it now and then just to make sure its ok and not flooding the yard.

Also the PSN is still down so that kind of sucks, I mean its not a big deal, but some games I cant play now cause of it. and other things wont even load for me due to it. Thou I can live without it just a heads up for others hoping to play some stuff on there. Not everything will work while its down. For some it might still work fine on everything thou, I know I've had that happen to me before. Ok that’s all form me everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Oops!An error occured!
--Webservice Author

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Yep its that time again.


First I want to say I'm going to try to do a live stream today. But if I'm not able to you will understand why. Plus the way I see it the live stream should be when I want to do them and not really set to any certain time. Ok with that out of the way the week was great for me. My coworker called out every day of the week. This meant I was alone more or less and it was amazing not having to deal with her at all. Work went so much more smooth too. No bumps no hiccups if you will.

So the podcast for this week is going to be something new I'm trying. Ill be recording it today. I might be posting 2 on Saturday, the normal one and todays recording. The reason for that is because this is a new show I might be starting for my podcast.

With that being said I need to get to work on this project for the show tonight. The gears are turning and when they spin you know things are a foot. Well I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and a I look forward to hearing the feed back from the new show this weekend.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sundays mega recap.


So funny thing this morning. There was a little frost on my window. Nothing writing home about if you will. I go leave my house at 445am and head to the gas station. Then I fill up my car and without thinking I wash my windshield. Yep you guessed it I iced over my whole windshield. Now cause I said nothing to write home about I didn’t bring my scraper so yep I had to use a gift card to get a small chuck off so I could see and get to work on time. It was funny as all hell, but at the same time thanks to the routine of getting gas on Monday and cleaning the window I didn’t think about it when I did it. Had I  thought I knew what would have happened. Well that’s all now for the recap.

Monday 01/07/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Tuesday 01/08/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Wednesday 01/09/13 – First post of the new line up.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/09/13)

Thursday 01/10/13 – No post

Links included in post –

Friday 01/11/13 – Still going strong. Oh and found pants.

Links included in post –

Saturday 01/12/13 – Episode 40 The untitled show.

Links included in post – Episode 40 The untitled show

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
For greed, all nature is too little.
--Seneca, Roman statesman and author

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Episode 40 The untitled show.


So as far as last night’s post goes, I didn’t beat Black ops 2 yet. I have 3 more missions to do from what I can tell. I plan to finish them today. I thought I was close but after playing for hours I still didn’t beat it. Plus I'm on veteran so its much harder, to beat each level.

Next order of business the podcast is for the week is below and it should be on iTunes within the hour.  But if you don’t want to wait you can use the link below like always to get your fix now.

In other news I have family visiting near the end of the month. so I might take time off from the blog and spend it with them. Thou I might just make posts scheduled to post I don’t know yet.

Podcast- Episode 40 The untitled show – In this run we talk about how the new line up went and some streaming talk as well.

Well that’s all form me today everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and check you back here later.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson

Friday, January 11, 2013

Still going strong, Oh and found pants.


So I found my dress pants for the baptism for me nephew. That is the main thing of the day. Other then that I plan to sit down and beat Black Ops 2. I have really been slacking on it. So I'm going to eat some lunch then beat that game. If I do it in a timely manner then ill do a live stream of something or another. Ok in other news new podcast goes up tomorrow as always. I'm looking for a guest for the following weeks show. I hope I get some reply's back from people that might be interested. If you are please hit me up.

Ok that’s all for the day.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My first post of the new lineup.


So here we are. With this new line up I will have things to talk about. And do I ever have things to talk about. So right now I’m dead tired and that is making it every hard to read and type this, I was planning to do a live stream tonight and I don’t think that’s going to happen, I might be moving it to Thursday just because I can. If I did it now I might pass out on it. That would be bad, and I don’t want that to happen. So it was a long week of  work and problem after problem. Ill go into more detail at a later day, for now thou I’m out for sleep.

Night all from Salithox

Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Recap


Before the recap I just want to remind everyone that the new posting line up starts today. Days mark with read highlight are the days I will be posting stuff from now on.

Monday 12/31/12 – Happy Holiday eve.

Links included in post –

Tuesday 01/01/13 – Posting because I could and didnt want to break the daily post yet.

Links included in post –

Wednesday 01/02/13 – Still dont have a time frame for the new posting line up.

Links included in post – Live Streaming (01/02/13)

Thursday 01/03/13 – Titled to be decided later.

Links included in post –

Friday 01/04/13 – Talked about how I have nothing to talk about.

Links included in post –

Saturday 01/05/13 – Episode 39 The untitled show.

Links included in post – Episode 39 The untitled show

Sundays as well.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
What single ability do we all have? The ability to change.
--George Leonard Andrews

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Episode 39 The Untitled Show


So today is a new podcast day. I'm going out to dinner with the family.  Sadly I go back to work tomorrow. That is about all the news I have for the day. Oh yeah I guess I should point out that starting tomorrow I'm going to the new posting format. That being Wednesday,Friday, Saturday, Sunday recap. If you have any issues with this please email more or send me a tweet. Ok now enjoy the show.

Podcast- Episode 39 The untitled Show - Today we talk about how the steam sale finally ends and that should stop me from buying games, hopefully. In other news we talk about the new posting line up starting Sunday.

Follow me on twitter to get the the most up to date info on the live streaming I do.

Twitter @Salithox

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
When all else fails, read the instructions.
--Cahn's Axiom
also known as RTFM (Read The F'in Manual)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Still no idea if I will stream today.


Well I have nothing to report in today with. I have not decided if I will live stream or not yet. If I do you will just need to keep an eye on the twitter feed for the work go. I have it set to auto post when I start a feed. So just keep a watchful eye on that. Ok that’s all form me today.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

To be decided at a later date. (The title that is)


So yeah I got nothing really to report today other then that my elbow hurts. Its from the way I slept on it. It started hurting half way through the night yet instead of changing my sleeping way I just ignored it. Now it hurts more but that is my price to pay.

The live stream yesterday was a big success. I played 30 Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy, that is one long title. The game was amazing thou, I played for about a hour an 15 minutes. I would have played longer then that but my head set was about to die and didn’t want to charge while using it. Thou Friday as a heads up to everyone I might do another live stream and pick up where I left off.

Recording of live stream ---> You can watch it by clicking here.

Ok I think that about does it for todays post. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and don’t forget. Play games, enjoy games, take a break form games.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still don't have a time frame for the new posting line up.


So everyone how is the new year starting off? Good I hope, as mine is well so far. On to the nitty gritty now.  I think next week ill start the new schedule of  posting. That being, Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Podcasting will still be posting Saturday along with any LPV I do. Wednesday will be a live streaming day on my off weeks, and on my on weeks ill make Friday a live streaming day. Do you follow me so far? With  the days off ill have time to make new videos to post and things like that plus the days I'm not posting are mainly my work days. Which means there shouldn’t be anymore shitty posts. Well ok now that we got that out of the way, I’m thinking of doing a live stream toady around 3-4pm MST (Arizona) I don’t know when for sure or the game yet. Thou you can bet I will do the stream. So check twitter and the Review page for updates as to when it starts. Below is the link for you. Enjoy everyone.

Twitter feed

Live Stream

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
When it is a question of money, everyone is of the same religion.
--Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, 18th-century French author, wit and philosopher

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First post of the new year.


Ok so I went and looked at my post count and I did 366 post over the whole of last year. That was one post every single day. I met my goal of posting everyday. I do hope you all enjoyed that ride. I had fun trying to make all the post even thou I know I got lazy in the middle when I ran out of stuff to say for a bit. Even still I stuck with it and made my goal. I’m happy with myself for doing this. Ill keep posting daily for a little bit still while I figure out a good time for the new schedule to take affect. That and I need to rework it to figure out what will work good for me to do everything I want to do with this blog over the coming year. With that being said I hope everyone had a great end to a good year.

Happy news years to all and to all a new happy year!


Salithox signing off  for the first post of 2013 (for me.)

Quote of the Day:
I got a new keyboard!