Friday, February 15, 2013

StarDate 02.15.2013.00125487966254.1


The date of the stars. Well the stars in the sky, not the ones in the movies. Thou part of the title was taken from the stars in the movies and not the sky’s. Ok now that we got that out of the way, lets move onto more pressing matters. That being I hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day. Mine was ok, spent it taking care of the sick girlfriend. But I gave her some nice gifts and she was happy. She is also feeling better little by little each day. So that’s a good thing too. Tomorrow will hold a normally podcast for you all to enjoy, for as what the topic of it will be I don’t know. Ok well I’m done with the blog for the day, its to dang early to be up at this time on a day off. I should be sleeping still but the shower nob broke and is not fixed again. The girlfriend is going to work and might be coming home sick still. So yep, ok ya done for now. Later everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn

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