Friday, January 18, 2013

Looking forward to tomorrows release.


So I’m excited for the release of my podcast tomorrow to you all. There is a slight change in it. You could say it’s a special episode, and I hope you all enjoy it. I had fun making this one and I look forward to doing more of them. In other news I might be guessing a new mic just for my podcasting and live streaming etc. If I do it will be a yeti blue mic. I have been having issues recording people and myself with my current headset/mic combo, and what I found out was its because it is a combo that causes the problem. So a standalone mic should fix it. More to come on that when I break down and buy it, I'm still in that I want it but do I really need it phase.

In more news I got woken up to let the guy in to drain the pool. He showed up 2 hours early. So I was the only one home to help with it. That’s all taken care of now and ill have to check on it now and then just to make sure its ok and not flooding the yard.

Also the PSN is still down so that kind of sucks, I mean its not a big deal, but some games I cant play now cause of it. and other things wont even load for me due to it. Thou I can live without it just a heads up for others hoping to play some stuff on there. Not everything will work while its down. For some it might still work fine on everything thou, I know I've had that happen to me before. Ok that’s all form me everyone.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Oops!An error occured!
--Webservice Author

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