Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Husband

This is an short story I wrote a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Whenever my wife runs away, i want to drive into a wall. today was the last day she will run away from me. when she comes home today she will have a surprise. now to put my plan into effect. i walked into the bathroom to see the last thing i ever bought her, her favorite perfume "lucky you". how ironic i thought that her favorite perfume was called "lucky you", at this moment I'm not feeling as lucky. i rummaged thought the medicine cabinet to find the medical tape and chloroform that i had hide there. i grabbed them out and hunted frantically for a wash cloth to use for my plan. when i found it on the cold smooth tile floor i realized this too will be my fate laying helplessly on the tile. i covered the wash cloth with the chloroform and ready the tape. i took one last look at myself in the mirror and smiled. i taped the wash cloth to my face and inhaled deeply. i started to feel tipsy and i barely felt my head hit the side of the bathtub as i fell. the last thoughts running though my mind as the smooth tile started to fill with blood red liquid from the gash in my head was, "lucky me, HA lucky you"

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