Side Notes: If anyone wants to join my server on SWTOR please fell free to I am playing on Warriors of the Shadow Empire side. Name on there is Salithox as if I had to say. On another side note, I might be starting a podcast with Preston. But ok now to the story.
The year is 19ot6, well ok that wasn’t the year. I don’t remember how far back this happened so bare with me. One night at MGL after I was off work but before the place was closing, Me and a Manger were over closing part of the the park for the night when we saw smoke coming from the side of the place. We rushed over to the spot and saw that the children's play place was on fire. So we help get people out of the building and the play place. Call the fire department, etc. etc. Then after the place is cleared and safe I start calling other workers that think like me and let them know the place is on fire and we all laughed and enjoyed the show. Sadly it didn’t burn down are work. (not many people like working at MGL but we did it cause we needed too). A few days later then, people got awards from work for help and being smart and stuff. Yet when it came to me and the manager that did a lot of it we got nothing not even a mention. Wouldn’t you know it the life guards took all the credit. Figures huh?
Salithox signing off.
PS. help stop SOPA.
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Quote of the Day:
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.
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