Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My list of Web Comics to read.


Hi everyone, Today I'm going to be posting a list of web comics I enjoy reading. Before the post thou, here is a link to a a recent comic strip from Ctrl+Alt+Del - The nightmare (2012-01-02) . After the break you will see my list of comics that everyone that is a gamer or nerd should read every now and then.

Welcome back from the break. Here now is my list for you to hopefully enjoy.

5. Manly Guys do Manly Things. Is a comic about where video game hero's and villains go to find work after there games are over.

4. Amazing Super Powers This is a comic is random but truly funny.

3. Penny-Arcade This is a gamers comic, but it does cover a lot of topics. anyone who is anyone most like know of this comic already.

2. Ctrl+Alt+Del What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this comic. It is great, good art style, and overall well planed for each arc.

1. Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire Now this comic is one of my all time favorites. The reason being it has amazing story arc’s. When you start from comic one you can see how the artist has improved over the time of the comic. I really recommend this comic to anyone that likes good story telling. But be warned it is an ongoing story so you need to make sure you start from day one and go on to understand the whole story. This is really worth it thou.

I wish all the authors the best of luck with there comics in the new year. I look forward to reading them at each update like I have been doing for years. enjoy.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.
--Dr. Laurence J. Peter

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