Friday, November 9, 2012

No topic today.


Well seeing as there is no topic today, there will be no post today as well. That being said how are you reading this??? No really tell me… I didn’t post anything so how can you be seeing this. hmm Odd in need, or should I say Ood indeed. No I don’t think I should. so I wont. Ok soon as you really aren't reading or seeing this, I'm just going to boldly announce things as fact. I am me! You are not me! I am not you! So who are you? That is for me to not know, and for you to answer to me. Well I'm waiting I can wait all night if need be.

New podcast tomorrow.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters

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