I’m and writing this to you so I can be down with it for the day. This way I can focus on more important thing like eating, playing video games, watching web videos, and all around goofing off. If you don’t like this response you should comment on the blog, node, Facebook, Google+. In doing this post in this way, I hope to spark your creative comments and make the power of the blog increases 20 folds. For the record anyone internally mono logging this to themselves, I have been told I'm sounding bite like Dracula while typing this.That comes right from the mouth of Mrs. Dracula.
Now that I have you completely confused you must know theses things. One there may, or may not be a podcast tomorrow. I plan to beat God of War Accession today, and start my new game Hyper Dimension Neptuna. These thing my cut into the podcast time seeing as it is my short weekend off. Well I hope this random post entertained you a lot today. If it didn’t you know what to do, Shake fists, get mad, get over it, and read the post again.
PS, Hope you are feeling better soon Bianca.
Salithox signing off.
Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine