Friday, August 31, 2012

No Minecraft tomorrow, but there will be a podcast still


So I wanted to post today about the fact I don’t think there will be a minecraft video tomorrow. The reason being is I haven't had time to record one yet. I do start my new shift on Sunday so that will give me more days off in the end game. What that means for you the fans is that ill be able to record more stuff. As it stands now thou I don’t think ill have one tomorrow for you. I will however have a new podcast, it will be a solo on thou as far as I know at the moment. Well that is all for now, I think I'm going to hit up BestBuy for a video game or something.

Stumble Upon Time.

Star wars Simpson's – Pretty… interesting.

Freddy hunter go – That’s what I thought too.

Mario Boo – I always wondered where they came from, guess I know now.

      • Podcast – New one coming tomorrow, any ideas for topics or guests?

      • Webpage – Under Construction till told otherwise. 

      • A+ – slacking off sadly.

      • Word of the day -  phasing out and in.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sunday Sunday Sunday, wait Thursday.


Ok, here is the download on the day. I worked I came home. That’s about it really. Today marks the start of my weekend. Sunday I start my new compressed shift. That will be s-m-t 6-6, then every other w 6-6. So if posting gets pushed back a little on the time frame you know why.

Ps knuckles still burn and bleed.

Stumble Upon time.

Cool Pokémon gif – Hope you enjoy

Futurama picture – Damn cool but creepy

Kool-aid – seems about right.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another day another dollar.


Well my knuckles are very raw from working. One of them even bleed when the scab got ripped off while doing some stuff at work. So what do I do, switch to the other hand for the task, then by the end of the day that hands knuckles are getting raw.  I might need to rethink how to do this task at work. If I don’t I wont have any use of my hands due to the knuckles being to raw to even put my hands in my pockets.

Stumble Upon Time

New Facebook default pictures – Can you find cloud?

Always – I've seen this before, but come on you cant not post Alan Rickman.

Pretty cool picture – Yep I got nothing on this one.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The enraged colonists were mad.
--CJ's US History Work

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yep lost power last night


So this is how the story goes. I was sitting around and POOF the power went out. Then I ate dinner by candle light. Power comes back on an hour or so later. Then I wait 10 min before resetting the clocks and stuff just incase it goes out again. Right when I finish resetting everything and blew out the last of the candles, BAM the power goes out again. This time It was only a few minutes. Still sucked thou if you ask me. well that was my last night. Today was ok, got more cuts from work, and I learned a whole bunch.

Stumble Upon time.

Goggle Easter eggs – Name says it all.

Real life comic – I thought it was funny.

Faith off – Yep that’s how I see it happening too.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.
--Dr. E. Land

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday is today, but not tomorrow.


Well it was a good day for the most part. I learned a lot of stuff, and forgot some things too. So Id say that’s a good day wouldn’t you? I have a slight head ache thou so that kind a sucks. Oh well sa la ve.

Stumble Upon Time.

Computer Hardware Chart – Name says it picture shows it.

Razer Talon – pretty good one there razer.

Zelda map help – This is cool, I wish I had it when I was younger… well no I don’t, but still cool to check out.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekly recap of the Sunday kind.


Well its that time again, and that time being the weekly recap of all the news and links I posted over the week.  I do hope you all have had a wonderful week. Tomorrow it is back to the grindstone for me and many others I'm sure. So lets get right into the recapping shall we.

Sundays weekly recap

Monday 8/20/12 – Jibber Jabbered. Then posted links.

Links included in post – Propaganda Mario style. / Creeper be Creep in / Pokémon Panties / Smash Brothers fans

Tuesday 8/21/12 – Work, and some cool birthday presents.

Links included in post – None

Wednesday 8/22/12 – Today is my bday. So I posted pictures of some gifts.

Links included in post – Big picture Pokémon / Mario Cause of death / Dang bird mail never gets it right.

Thursday 8/23/12 – Talked about how I'm still getting back into the swing of things.

Links included in post – That was a good run. / Top 50 greatest geek movies / Nice Zelda poster.

Friday 8/24/12 – Happy Friday, and talked scrapping flesh off my hand.

Links included in post – There is truth in this art / Smart man. / Rocks Vs. Test

Saturday 8/25/12 – Just made the update for the podcast.

Links included in post – Episode 20 - The Untitled Show / Minecraft LPV

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news.
--Bertolt Brecht

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Episode 20 The Untitled Show


Well everyone it is that time of week again. That being where I post the new episode of the podcast. Which is already live on ITunes.  As well as right here on the blog. I do hope you enjoy this weeks. It is a short one thou.  I will be trying to get more guest on the show as time goes on. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

World of Milk and Honey S2 E2.

I look for some feathers so I can make the Swift-wolf rending gale ring. (So i can fly). Then i mess around with some rubber sheets and fail. But i have fun doing it. Also get lost in a cave under my house. I hope you enjoy this installment of the World of Milk and Honey.


Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
After three days, fish and guests stink.
--John Lyly

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday is here so lets all cheer.


Lets all cheer for Friday is here.  That means it is the weekend, which in turn means free time, so YAY!

Ok so work was good, I learned some stuff, but not as much as id like to have. I did learn that my skin rubs off easy when I scrap it against boxes for hours. Oh well, cant do much about it now.

Next order of business going to dinner tonight so this will conclude the post. Later all.

Stumble Upon time active.

 There is truth in this art – I think that is how it works.

Smart man. – That’s what id do too, if I was in that predicament.

Rocks Vs Test – This gave me a good laugh.

      • Podcast – New one tomorrow.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -  Raw skin sucks.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
No mind is thoroughly well-organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Thursday, August 23, 2012

All work and no play make something something.


I want you all to fill in the something something. What does all work and no play do you to? To me I makes me want to hide away and read then play video games. Speaking of playing games, I think ill go do that right now. Well maybe not right now, but after this post I will. So ok on with the post. Ill be starting me new shift soon, that means longer days but more free time. That is because ill have shorter weeks. I'm sure that doesn’t mean much to a lot of you, but the podcasting might move to Fridays because of it. Well that’s all I got for today.

Stumble Upon time super fun go.

That was a good run. – Yep didn’t think they could make it last that long. the ending was key thou.

Top 50 greatest geek movies – Oh yeah.

Nice Zelda poster. – Id buy it.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
You have freedom of choice, but not freedom from choice.
--Wendell Jones

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To day is my bday.


Well today is the day of my birth. so I think ill be taking the day off from posting. Enjoy some of these pictures of my gifts. One gift not in picture due to the fact I have no hung it up yet. when I do then ill post it.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Stumble Upon

Big picture Pokémon – Spin wheel.

Mario Cause of death – I like this one.

Dang bird mail never gets it right. – Yeah I have this problem too.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Work was decent, and got my presents early.


So today is over and ill be moving to a new location at work soon too. This also means ill be having a new shift. Ill be working compressed, that means 3 days one week 4 days the next and 12 hour shifts. I also learned how to play Cribbage. I seem to have picked it up fairly quick. Ok now I'm going to play with some of my new gift. Tomorrow is the day of birth for me. yep. Ok pictures coming in the next few days of some gifts. Later.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

No Stumble today sorry.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is a permanent attitude.
--Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday is the day of days, but when you find out its only Monday….


Then you realize that you have the whole week still. Like most people just want to crawl back into bed and pretend it’s the weekend still. Sadly we cant do that. Well that’s about all I got for the day. I hope you enjoy the rest of the post.

Stumble Upon time goooooo!

Propaganda Mario style. – You know its cool.

Creeper be Creep in – BOOM! you monster.

Pokémon Panties – The caption at the top made me laugh. Thou if you’ve never played the Pokémon games you might not truly get it.

Smash Brothers fans – Mario always wins.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
--Robert Fulghum

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Episode 19.5 The Untitled Show / Sunday Recap


So today we have a special treat. Clocking in at a little over 1 hour long is another podcast. This is the podcast that should have been yesterday, but due to technical issues had to be done today. I do hope everyone enjoys it. Other then that, this is a normal Sunday recap.

PS, In the podcast I talk about The stumble upon segment and how I found good stuff to post today, but I'm going to save them for tomorrows post. That’s incase you are looking for them.

    1. Podcast – Episode 19.5 – The Untitled Show - Special guest episode with "The Mighty Pope" Lots of game talk, and some swearing.

Here is the Weekly Recap.

Monday 8/13/12 – Talked about the podcast being approved for ITunes, and mentioned that I'm still waiting on the job.

Links included in post – how the world could have turned out. / Ten games to make you think about life / Best feeling in the world

Tuesday 8/14/12 – I start work tomorrow yay. And ponder darksiders 2.

Links included in post – Dark in here isn't it / Know I know how. / I got a laugh

Wednesday 8/15/12 – Work, so tired from the first day of LONG LONG LONG days.

Links included in post – I just don’t know. / Did you know?

Thursday 8/16/12 – Talked about first day of work.

Links included in post – That’s what I picture / Yep that’s why you know who you are texting / kind a cool camera thing

Friday 8/17/12 – Talked about nothing at all, just random post.

Links included in post – typing game shooter / video game music / Heh heh more game stuff

Saturday 8/18/12 – Talked about how I missed out on todays guest for the podcast due to mic issues.

Links included in post – Episode 19 The Untitled Show. / Minecraft LPV / Local campaign ad / Pretty cool cakes / Aint that the truth


Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Episode 19–The untitled show / MCLPV SMP S2.


Hey everyone, how is all your weekends going? I hope they are going well. So lets get right down to the goods as normal. We have the podcast and the new MC LPV going up today. There was going to be a guest on the podcast but I had mic issues and that got messed up. So it will be just me on the casting of pods today. Other then that, I hope you enjoy everything.


      • Podcast – Episode 19 The Untitled Show. In this installment I go over how I had a guest planned but had to reschedule due to mic issues on my end.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Phrase of the day – Bad Mic, NO cookie.

Season 2 Episode 1 World of Milk and Honey.

This is episode 1 of season 2 of my lets play tekkit series. I don't really do to much in this installment. I mainly show off the house i built and how i tried to recreate some of the stuff from my Technic series. I also messed around with adding an opening and ending set. So I hope that goes over well. Enjoy the new season of my Lets play server.

Stumble Upon time.

Local campaign ad – Well not really but damn good still.

Pretty cool cakes – Who wants to make me that dragon one?

Aint that the truth – I think you all agree, I know I do even thou I don’t have AT&T

Salithox Tuning out.

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad

Friday, August 17, 2012

It is Friday and that means WEEKEND is here.


Gone are of the days that sleep once held. Now is the time for work and sleepless nights. For in those night of sleeplessness you will realize that only then you are at one with work. And now its time for something you will really enjoy.

Stumble Upon time GOOO!

typing game shooter – pretty fun.

video game music – don’t think I need to say anymore.

Heh heh more game stuff -  I like the last one and the hills have eyes one.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
If you’re looking for friends when you need them…it’s too late.
--Mark Twain

Thursday, August 16, 2012

First day of work over, rest of life to go.


The day wasn’t bad at all, but yet again I am time. So on that note no update. Tomorrow it will resume as normal. I know my shift for right now anyway, which is 8-5 m-f. Thou for next few days I might be a little tired and not post as much content. Hope no one holds that against me. Oh and it seems I did give a post today, so lucky everyone then.

Stumble upon time.

That’s what I picture – Don’t you do too?

Yep that’s why you know who you are texting – I'm glad I've never done that.

kind a cool camera thing – kind a cool camera thing.

      • Podcast – Maybe with a guest.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Such a long day, and now its done.


My day is finally over. After being out since like 4am. and only getting home at 5pm. That really is one long day. I don’t think I really got any sleep last night, but that’s ok cause ill get a lot of sleep tonight then. I have to be back at work at 8am. which means ill be getting up around 6am. They still don’t seem to know what ill be doing there at work thou. I guess I could be doing anything really. All I know is I start tomorrow at 8am. Ok that’s all for today from me cause my eyes are getting heavy and I want to try and stay up for another few hours.

Stumble upon time.

I just don’t know. – I really don’t know still.

Did you know? – I didn’t know all of that.

      • Podcast – New one on Saturday, along with a LP MCV

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I start work tomorrow.


I got the call finally, and I start work tomorrow. NCO training starts at 530 I think, and they want me there at 500 which means I need to get up at like 330am. That is the only downside to this. Thou its only a one time training class I have to attend. Which is a good thing, but I can tell you this I'm going to be tired as all hell tomorrow.

In other news, darksiders 2 comes out today. I'm not sure if I'm going to be grabbing this game or not. I really did enjoy the 1st one, but do I really want the 2nd just yet?  Well that about does it for this post cause I have some stuff I need to take care of before starting tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.

Stumble Upon time.

Dark in here isn't it. – I like the punch line at the end.

Know I know how. – Ever wonder how that got in there?\

I got a laugh – I hope you will too.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky

Monday, August 13, 2012

No news yet on the job, but the day is still young.


So the day is still young so I have not heard about the job yet. Aka the background check if it came in or not. I'm hoping I hear today on starting tomorrow. If it still for whatever reason hasn’t come in yet then I wouldn’t get my next chance to start till Thursday. Seeing thou as its only 11am my time I still have most of the day to hear from them on this matter. So here is hoping I can start tomorrow. *fingers crosses*

On other news my podcast is now live on ITunes. It is under the hobbies sections and is called The Untitled Show. Having it approved for iTunes also means that the RSS feed is working well. So that is a great thing to hear.

Stumble Upon time.

how the world could have turned out. – Yep that’s what I think too.

Ten games to make you think about life – just as the title says.

Best feeling in the world – I agree with all of them

      • Podcast – RSS feed is working, and podcast is now on iTunes for download right now. :-P well what are you waiting for.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day – approved.

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sundays weekly recap go.


As you know its Sunday and that means its time for the recap of the week. Here is everything that I've linked to and or talked about for the week. I do hope you enjoy it incase you missed any of the stuff during the week.

Also as a side note. Please visited my Salithox review Facebook page , and like it if you enjoy what you find there.

Monday 8/06/12 – Nothing header for Monday. Did talk about work and MC LP V SMP.

Links included in post – Simple animations to explain things / Yep that sums up the size / Simpsons Supporting Characters

Tuesday 8/07/12 – T-Mobile done messed up on me. I have a HUGE bill cause they screwed up. Trying to take care of that.

Links included in post – Pretty funny comic set about batman / Never wish to be batman / Hypno-Cat

Wednesday 8/08/12 – Talk about the job and how I haven't started yet. Also covered the T-mobile issue and how it was fixed.

Links included in post – Sequential art / Mr.Noodles cant find his hands / Simpsons quotes

Thursday 8/09/12 – No work still that makes 2 classes missed. Good thing I only need to go to 1 of them.

Links included in post – Oregon Trail / 18 Important lessons to learn from Chris Rock / Space Shuttle Discovery

Friday 8/10/12 – Talked about the new Facebook page and the RSS feed.

Links included in post – Salithox review Facebook page / Find out what you should do today / Suck Butts World? / What cats really see.

Saturday 8/11/12 – Announce the RSS feed for podcast and submitted to ITunes.

Links included in post – Episode 28 The untitled show / S2E6 Minecraft video / RSS feed for podcast / Pokémon hurt? / Does the universe have a purpose / Skull illusions

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Your heart often knows things before your mind does.
--Polly (Pearl) Adler

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Episode 18 The Untitled Show / S2E6 LP MC V.

This is going to be short post. The reason being is my sister is going in for her 3d ultrasound today, and she invited the family to be there to see it. Hence the short post. A new podcast episode will be going live today, as well as a new episode of the Minecraft SSP lets play video. Also in related news I think I got the RSS feed working for my podcast. I submitted it to ITunes already. So we will just have to wait and see what happens.
      • Podcast – Episode 18 The untitled show – In this installment I talk about how I got the RSS feed working. Also go over some changes to the minecraft videos.
      • Word of the day -  Submitted.
RSS feed for podcast <---- Link right there.
Stumble Upon time
Pokémon hurt? – I just don’t know at all what to think of this.
Does the universe have a purpose – seems to be a split vote.
Skull illusions – I only saw a few of them, and couldn’t find others.
Season 2 Episode 6
In this one, i finish building my mega diamond supplier. Then I turn to a Recycle to make sure i don't waste anything in the future of the videos. I run into a few issues and get them fixed then i just move on to the next thing. I hope you enjoy this building episode of Milk and Honey Born Anew.

Salithox signing off
Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday night is the light of the the kite to the right?


Don’t ask about the title cause I don’t know. Its just what I happen to come up with for the day. Ok so before I go to start cooking dinner lets get the post out of the way. The day has been pretty dull for me. I know not so much for other people thou. I made a Facebook page.  It is called none other then Salithox Review. I do hope you all check it out and like it / subscribe to it. Normally I don’t say stuff like that. but it will help with the site and everything to take off more. On another note I think I found a way to make a RSS feed for my podcast. In time ill find out if it worked, but ill have more on that tomorrow. It is  a work in progress so bare with me.

Stumble Upon time.

Find out what you should do today – Just pull the lever and find out.

Suck Butts World? – Not to sure what to think of this pencil.

What cats really see. – Yep I knew it, deep down in my bones I knew this is what they saw.

      • Podcast – Cast of podding coming tomorrow, also more news on the RSS feed hopefully.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.
--H.L. Mencken

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Still no background Check finished.


So I waited and waited yesterday for the phone call telling me I was starting work today. I even called them and left a message. When they finally got back to me at like 5pm (I called them at 1130) they said that the background check was still no there so I couldn’t start yet. Its been a week since I filled out the paper work. That means no even if it comes in today I wouldn’t be starting till Tuesday because that and Thursday are the only 2 days for the classes. Oh well, not much I can do about it but enjoy the time off I have. In other news I never got to record a MC video last night. So I will try to do one today, that way ill be head on them. Not by a lot but enough that when I start working, if it makes me change my schedule I wont fall behind.

Stumble upon time.

Oregon Trail – really do I have to explain this one. Yes it seems I do. Zombie style.

18 Important lessons to learn from Chris Rock – I like number 1.

Space Shuttle Discovery – I’m just not sure what to say, other then the copilots chair looks hard as a rock.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Still no Work info, and got TMO fixed for now.


So when I called in on Monday about starting Tuesday they said that they are still waiting on my background check. That meant I couldn’t start Tuesday, but would have to start Thursday. Well it is Wednesday and when I hear from them today, hopefully they will tell me that I can start Thursday. If I do start Thursday then id have to get up at like 330-4am just for the training class, which kind of sucks but that’s part of the job. Will post more on that sometime tomorrow after I have heard what's going on. Now for the T-mobile news. I went to a Tmo store and they took care of everything. I told them what was going on and they back dated the server to fix the issues. I also told them it was a new girl that was helping me and that she told me she was brand new. That way she doesn’t get into any trouble. It will take a few days for the changes to show on my bill, but when it happens ill let you all know.

Stumble Upon time.

Sequential art – Battle cube ha.

Mr.Noodles cant find his hands – Some motels are like this for some odd reason.

Simpsons quotes – I like number 12 the best.

      • Podcast – If I get the chance I will try to record and episode today that wont go live for a while. And what does everyone think of a live stream show every now and then? thoughts?

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Phrase of the day – They make a 3:30am?

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grrr BAD T-Mobile


Bad, BAD T-Mobile! So I have almost a $300 bill with them for this cycle. The reason being is they took off my unlimited text messaging. When I bought my new phone and had to change my plan I asked them repeatedly that I have that one there, because it has happened once before. They told me over and over again yes you do. Everything on my plan is the same as it was before I changed it they told me. So I asked again, are you sure I have unlimited text because that’s what I use the most. They said yes again and again. Now I get my first bill since the new plan took full affect and I don’t have any texting plan at all and being charged almost $300 bucks cause of it. Does that seem fair to anyone I ask you. The people that changed my plan over said if I have any issues to come down to the store before I call costumer service, so that is what I'm going to do. I am pretty sure they are going to tell me to just call them anyway, but if I go there I can at least let them see my disappointment in them for I did ask repeatedly about this before I left the store. Now you might be asking why didn’t I check my bill during the cycle to make sure. I did for the first whole month. Turns out I was still technically using my old plan at that time cause it did say I had unlimited still. Ill update you all tomorrow on how it goes when I got to the store and talk to them about it.

Stumble upon time.

Pretty funny comic set about batman – The first one was the best I think.

Never wish to be batman – NEVER EVER wish it without being more detailed in it.

Hypno-Cat – Hypno-toad has nothing on him.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The nothing post of Monday.


There is nothing to report yet as it is only 10am my time. I plan to call my “Job” today just to verify if I have to go tomorrow or Thursday. I'm thinking tomorrow thou is when ill be going. Um in other news, you should watch “The Newsroom” on HBO, it is on Sundays and is amazing. Other then that things are pretty bare right now, so this will conclude the post of the day.

Stumble Upon Time activate!

Simple animations to explain things – They explain complex principles.

Yep that sums up the size – The size of races.

Simpsons Supporting Characters – This is a good list of the top 25 support characters.

      • Podcast – So I have started setting up my house on my Tekkit world. Which means ill be starting the Tekkit lets play videos soon. In thou ill kind of pick up from the SSP set but it will be on my private server. You may see run in’s with old friends as well as some new one. My little minecraft world is growing and I'm glad you are all here to see it.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
--Epicurus, ancient Greek philosopher

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday recap for the week of 7/30/12


So here are the links and brief info of the weekly recap. Nothing to major happened this week. I should be started the job soon and that will change how things are posted I believe. So we will have to just wait and see what comes of it. Well right into the stuff I guess.

Sunday’s weekly recap.

Monday 7/30/12 – Talked about the hopefully job interview for Wednesday, and explained the minecraft world change.

Links included in post – S2E4 Minecraft / Pokémon life like drawing / Evolution of Mario / The joys of rusty barbwire cutes

Tuesday 7/31/12 – Repeal the last statement about the minecraft world. Some stuff was lost thou.

Links included in post – 101 Genius ideas / Choice of the Dragon

Wednesday 8/01/12 – Talked about having to go to the job interview and the baptismal class.

Links included in post – TO DO LIST / Home Theater / So many to choose from

Thursday 8/02/12 – Talked shop and work and stumbled.

Links included in post – D&D Rgp file archives / TriForce Power / Simpson signs

Friday 8/03/12 – Went over my need to relax this week which has yet to happen.

Links included in post – Twisted Disney Princesses / Some game / Wizards quest

Saturday 8/04/12 – Talked about nothing to important but did post the new MCLPV and the podcast.

Links included in post – Episode 17 The untitled show / MC LPV / Who Shirt / Id buy it / good poster

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Episode 17–The untitled show / MC LPV / Work.


Ok so today is Saturday. I just finished recording another MC LPV (Minecraft lets play video). It is converting as we speak. I also finished another episode of my podcast. The untitled show. That will be going live today with this post.  I start my new job this coming week and yet I don’t know my hours or days or shifts. So with that in mind you will all have to bare with me till I know how it will affect my posting schedule. Ok well lets get onto the good stuff.

      • Podcast – Episode 17 The untitled show – In this installment I talk about work and the new MC LPV. I also go over how I finally finished a book that I've been trying to read forever yet always stopped at the same spot and then didn’t pick it up for months.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Phrase of the day – What the?!

Minecraft Lets Play video corner.

Season 2 Episode 5

In episode 5 of season 2 I go over how I should back up my world more and that after my upgrade to the new version i wasn't happy with some of the bugs. So i went back to my old one and realized i never backed up the world before Blowing it up. Due to this i had to use and older backer up of it. Meaning i lost some stuff and had to redo others. But even with that set back i was able to start a new build on something which you will have to watch to see. I hope you enjoy this video.


Stumble Upon time of fun happiness.

Who Shirt -  I searched for Doctor Who with stumble and got this

Id buy it – Legoish DW.

good poster – Id hang it up, and I know you would too

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finally time to relax.


I was planning to relax this week then get a new job. Well since I've been off I've already gotten a new job and not relaxed at all. I believe I will be starting the new job on Tuesday, now I'm going to relax till then. If I'm hard to get ahold of or just not around that is the reason and now you all know it. With that all out of the way I'm finally going to get to record the MC video that I was going to do the last two days. The funny thing is that tomorrow will be the normal MC video as well.  As well as the normal podcast so you all have that to look forward to tomorrow as well.

Stumble Upon Time go mega super?

Twisted Disney Princesses – They would have freaked me out growing up like that.

Some game – No idea what's going on really.

Wizards quest – Not just a game anymore.

      • Podcast – New one coming tomorrow as well as a new MC video.

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Your heart often knows things before your mind does.
--Polly (Pearl) Adler

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Take 2.


So I didn’t get any chance to record a video like I wanted to last night. The Baptismal class went in till 9pm I didn’t get home till 10 pm, and had to be at my orientation today at 9am. So today I'm going to try and make a video. That is the goal of the day now that I am done with work related stuff. So on that note we go into the Stumble time.

Ps, I’m very tired right now so that accounts for the shorter post.

Stumble Upon super mega fun happy time gooooo!

D&D Rgp file archives – The name really does say it all.

TriForce Power – A nifty little picture.

Simpson signs – Yep you read right, here you can find some Simpson signs.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stuff to do on the Wednesday, Happy August.


So I have a busy day today, I have the job thing at 2 then I have a baptismal class at 7 with my sister and brother in law for there soon to be born kiddo. Yep going to be a busy day. Maybe ill get a minecraft video recorded today too if I'm lucky. I don’t know thou how long some of these things will take so that might make it harder to try. Um, oh thanks for not letting me forget to print up my resume. Ok got that done now, and all updated to boot. Thanks for the reminder everyone. Ok onto the Stumbling cause I need to get ready and make sure I got everything.

Stumble Upon awesome sauce time.

TO DO LIST – Yet that the list id use.

Home Theater – That’s pretty cool I wouldn’t mind having any of them, just to say I have one.

So many to choose from – Lots of good things to buy for any nerd fan.

      • Podcast - Nothing

      • Webpage - Nothing

      • A+ - Nothing

      • Word of the day -

Salithox signing off

Quote of the Day:
Act as if it were impossible to fail.
--Dorothea Brande