Bad, BAD T-Mobile! So I have almost a $300 bill with them for this cycle. The reason being is they took off my unlimited text messaging. When I bought my new phone and had to change my plan I asked them repeatedly that I have that one there, because it has happened once before. They told me over and over again yes you do. Everything on my plan is the same as it was before I changed it they told me. So I asked again, are you sure I have unlimited text because that’s what I use the most. They said yes again and again. Now I get my first bill since the new plan took full affect and I don’t have any texting plan at all and being charged almost $300 bucks cause of it. Does that seem fair to anyone I ask you. The people that changed my plan over said if I have any issues to come down to the store before I call costumer service, so that is what I'm going to do. I am pretty sure they are going to tell me to just call them anyway, but if I go there I can at least let them see my disappointment in them for I did ask repeatedly about this before I left the store. Now you might be asking why didn’t I check my bill during the cycle to make sure. I did for the first whole month. Turns out I was still technically using my old plan at that time cause it did say I had unlimited still. Ill update you all tomorrow on how it goes when I got to the store and talk to them about it.
Stumble upon time.
Pretty funny comic set about batman – The first one was the best I think.
Never wish to be batman – NEVER EVER wish it without being more detailed in it.
Hypno-Cat – Hypno-toad has nothing on him.
Podcast - Nothing
Webpage - Nothing
A+ - Nothing
Word of the day -
Salithox signing off
Quote of the Day:
False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought.
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