Tuesday, March 6, 2012

025 Lets play my private server


So how is everyone today? I hope you are all good. Some news of the day. I gave away a ps2 to one lucky fan. Ok well not really. It would seem I had a friends ps2 hanging around my place. He called asking of it back so I said sure. This is when the adventure began, I hunted down the ps2 and found it the disk drive didn’t work. So then I had to hunt for my ps2 and that one did work. The drive at least, but It was missing screws. So I had to embark on a screw search. To my surprise I found them and they still fit. Now its all back together and sounds like a lawn mower. All in all thou it works and I gave it to him. I really loved the ps2 but now I have the PS3 so its all gravy.

Enjoy the video its part 25 of the quest to not die stupidly which I fail at every turn it seems.

025 Lets play my private server

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg

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