Thursday, April 19, 2012

No real new news today. (No video’s this week)


So I really don’t have anything of utmost importance to say today. Work was normal but oh so slow. Before I forget to type it the post might be a little latter then normal tomorrow (04/20/2012)  due to going out for a family dinner with non other then the family.

So where I stand on things. This weekend I plan to start studying my massive tome book for the A+. My goal is within 2 months to be ready for the test. It is just a goal, but id really like to have it within a month. That might be pushing it thou cause the book is more or less a TOME.

The podcast is still just an idea at this point. I have been getting a lot of encouragement and help with it so I think it could be real by the end of next month.

The let’s play video’s might be put on hold for a while. This is because of the studying and podcasting. But have no fear they will be back.

Ok that’s about everything I can think of for today. So here is me wishing you a speedy Friday so you can enjoy the weekend all the sooner.

Salithox signing off.

Quote of the Day:
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty.
--Kahlil Gibran

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